In Sweden there is plenty of information, advice and help on how to start your own business. In fact, there is a small industry that has developed around “starta eget.” But still, Sweden ranks among the lowest countries in terms of starting businesses.

So why are there so many “would-be” entrepreneurs? A would-be entrepreneur can be defined as a person you would like to start their own business, but for some reason does not. While all of this assistance is available, it is not organized, it is not convenient to access, and perhaps most importantly, would-be entrepreneurs don’t know what questions to ask. Other reasons why advice is not enough include: a lack of knowhow, no entrepreneurial team, a limited business network, a lack of functional skills, etc. We know this is an extremely frustrating situation and further causes many people to put their entrepreneurial dreams aside.

But that is why Cogeneration was created. We help you realize your dream by providing the complementary knowledge, team, network, skills and other resources you need, but not as an advisor or consultant, but rather as a partner.

Starting a business is a complex effort. Let us be your partner.