Personal Information

    Your Email address (required)
    Please use the same email address you used in First Stage form.

    Profession and employments. Education. (required)
    Please write in chronological order!

    Which of your professional and business experiences and education have particular significance to this business venture? (required)

    What are you doing currently? (required)
    Are you e.g. employed, unemployed, entrepreneur or student.

    What indicates that you have good entrepreneurial qualities and skills? (required)

    Describe personal contacts and networks that have particular significance for your business. (required)

    Have you participated in a business education of some kind? (required)

    How much you and your team have invested either in cash or equipment so far? (required)


    Company Name (required)

    Company Address (required)

    Form of business (required)

    Contact Person (required)

    Company Phone (required)

    Company Website (required)

    Company Email (required)


    Describe the business in a few words. (required)
    Example: Construction Company for site assembly of prefabricated houses, online shop for children’s clothes, day-spa.


    Summarize the entire business venture in a few sentences. (required)
    For example, state focus of the organization, business location and location in town, when is the company planned to start, a bit of background for the investment and the owner’s grounds to start it or the associates´ grounds for investing jointly.


    The names of all associates, their ownership and their assignment and how long have they worked in the company. Have you written a partnership agreement? (required)


    Describe your own role and the company as you wish it to be in five years. (required)
    Example: An online store which I run on my own, a wholesale business in A-town with 12 employees and 25 % export sales with me as a sales-oriented CEO.


    What limitations do you and your team have? (required)

    Where do you see Cogeneration adding value to this business relationship? (required)

    Is there anything else important for us to know? (required)